Monday, June 23, 2014

Maria's Packaged Goods

To the friend I just met at Marias....feel free to contact me via facebook jakki cafarelli or call or text me at 773.428.0673 for any and all questions regarding bike touring!! much love.

Friday, November 29, 2013

....why stop? To LA!

My first day on tour...Everything so clean...Little did I know what an adventure I set out on
I haven't updated this in a while, but thought I would let everyone know that after spending a week in San Francisco, I decided to continue riding to Los Angeles. How could I bike the Pacific Coast and not bike Big Sur? Nick, Sandy and I met just outside of SF and continued riding all together. My knee was hurting the first day back on the bike but luckily we only went as far as Half Moon Bay the first day out of San Francisco. 

The three of us were back together. The hobo train. Getting held up in the yurt together, I think it solidified a bond between us, one that will indeed last forever.

Walking about in LA, I ran into the English couples that we would run into every few days along our trip! They barely recognized me without my bike and helmet.  

There were times when people would shout mean things and nearly kill us with their beep machines. Other times, folks would cheer for us and give us thumbs up and they saw us pedal up hills. The whole experience, I dubbed my "Freedom Tour". Never have I ever felt a feeling of utmost freedom. I could go anywhere at anytime and answer to no one. Bicycle Touring is an adventure like no other. It's emotional. It's raw. It's a test on the body and brain. You start to appreciate things like a clean face and underwear, which I only had 3 pairs of. The food I ate became the best food I have ever eaten. I'd smell the earth, the actual earth with its plentiful fennel and lavender growing alongside the rode. The smell of the ocean alongside me everyday and its misty breeze would cool my sun soaked arms. I'd eat brussel sprouts that we found along side the highway and cook them over a campfire. The stars. Oh the Stars....Arriving at camp just as the sun set into an iridescent opal, there was enough light to pitch tents and gather wood, and then millions of stars would sparkle over head, only to put a cherry on top of the day. The friends I've made are friends for life. Nick and I are already planning our next tour. 

 Everyday was special in its own unique ways and I felt like everyday was one of the best days of my life. A straight 2 months of bliss. 

total mileage              1553.78 miles
daily average              50miles
most mileage in a day: 77miles on the 3rd day   (could of topped it towards the end, but the sun set                                                                      significantly earlier due to the way the world turns) 
daily diet:::   breakfast: 1 banana, oats, 1/3 of a jar of peanutbutter (sometimes raisins and coconut)
                  snacks: along the way: trail mix, bananas, carrots and hummus, banana chips, clif bars
                  dinner:  beans, tortillas, sometimes salsa, kale or sweet potatoes
                  dessert: dark chocolate 

Smoothies were had when available as well. 

I hope everyone enjoyed reading my blog! If you have any questions or comments or want to talk about bike touring please contact me here or via email @
and enjoy a few more photos...
Also, got to take a private plane ride in LA. Whattup! Experienced zero gravity!
Standing on the edge of a cliff. 

Truly a trip of a lifetime

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mission accomplished.

I'm in OAKLAND!!! 1000 miles later....what a journey. Rolling over the golden gate gave me goose pimples. Especially knowing one of my college best friends was waiting at the other side with a bottle of champagne. And then another college friend of mine that I haven't seen in years pops up. Lots of hugging.
Team hobo train skunk train had to part ways. It was a sad moment to say goodbye to nick and Steve....we've really all become a family. Sandy and I sat and watched the sky transform from blue to pink as the moon shone brightly over San Francisco. We were both heading towards Oakland/Berkeley so we were catching the Bart. Time to decompress for a bit and enjoy San Francisco/Oakland.
Will update the last fee weeks woth more details in later post. Thanks to all who've been reading.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Almost there.

Haven't had much cell reception to update. But all is well and were about 110 miles fro. San Francisco.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Oregon to Cali

So sandy, Nick, steve and I are a super bike gang. We've been eating like kings, enjoying epic scenery and taking turns buying tortillas. The redwoods have been absouletly breathtaking. And I have no idea what day it is ever or what time it is. Nothing matters except riding, eating, laughing and sleeping. We all sitaround and laugh how truley wonderful everyday is. We hit the jackpot. Reds, pinks and purples bounce across the sky every night as we role into camp as venus rises brightly in the sky. we cook our dinner over a fire and watch the stars. 

Met up with some other super cyclists.
camped on the beach. The next night we Tried to camp at a place called clam Beach but it was a super hippy fest and weird vibes were in the air. We decided to bike a few miles down the road andfound a view point and did some guerilla camping tthere. We cooked couscous and garlic and raisins and shared sierra Nevada. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Whirl winds

Waking up Friday morning at South Beach, we had to make a decision to ride or not for the day. We were warned that winds would reach 70 mph so we made a group consensus to stay at South beach for another night and not ride. Luckily this state park has a hospitality center with puzzles, games, cards, and magazines. We didnt want to tent as we mifht blow away so As we waited for a yurt, we did a cathedral puzzle. A young lad walked in and asked to hang out. His name is Nick and just had cycled 90 miles. As we got to know him, we asked if he wanted to join our yurt which would make it only 10 dollars a night for a bed, heat, and electricity.

Also...Nick is a bike mechanic and has been itching to work on bikes. Sandy had been squeaking for days so nick took care of that for him, put new brake pads on and he lubed up all of our chains before we left south beach.

The typhoon winds did not settle down all weekend. We spent all weekend at south beach and our amazing camp host, Jack, drove us into town to do laundry at Newport bike shop and grocery shop. The next day he took us to art galleries and even bought us lunch. Every night but the last night we stayed there, we built a fire in the rain to cook our dinner which was mainly bean tacos every night with tortilla chips and sometimes a 6 pack.

During this time, Sarah has made the decision that it is best if she quits the tour. We must always do whats best for ourselves and follow our instincts. I wish her the best.

I ride on not alone. Sandy and Nick are my new riding team. The three of us were able to finally leave south beach-which was the best park to be held up at for a long weekend- Monday morning.